If your company has a compensation plan (or soon will have one), you should attend and learn at the Compensation Plan Conference webinar.
From compensation plan experts, learn how to design, analyze, improve and protect your company’s plan. Find out if your plan is producing the results that you expect or should it be improved.
Attend our Compensation Plan Conference webinar on August 24-26, 2020 and/or watch the recordings afterwards until September 30. Tickets for one are $125 each and two or more are only $100 each.
The more you know about compensation plans, the better decisions you will make for your company.
The Wrong Behaviors?
While consulting with and improving hundreds of direct selling companies since 1986, we have seen how compensation plans can motivate and reward the wrong behaviors. It is possible that your plan has similar problems and you don’t know it, yet!
What You Will Learn
- the 12 key behaviors all compensation plans should motivate and reward
- the most common mistakes in compensation plan design
- how to properly set your plan’s requirements
- what are the biggest compensation plan myths
- what the Vemma and Herbalife FTC decisions mean for your compensation plan
- how to measure and analyze the performance of your compensation plan
- what is the best compensation plan
- how to communicate better your compensation plan to your software provider
- how the 5 styles of compensation plans compare to each other
- how to set appropriate barriers to entry as a representative
- how to set group volume requirements to motivate recruiting from leaders
- great advice on pricing strategies
- what are the steps to change a compensation plan
- how to transition your field from one plan to another
- how to get software developers to do a better job for you
- how to prepare a legally defensible Income Disclosure Document
- what independent representatives look for in a compensation plan
- how your sales force can make your good compensation plan bad

Monday, August 24, 2020
9 AM – 11 AM Pacific Time
Conference Preview
In this fast-moving session, you will hear a few minutes of wisdom from each of our faculty members. Enjoy a taste of what you will learn from each of them over the next few days.
What Is A Good Compensation Plan?
Compensation plans should be designed to motivate and reward specific behaviors. Review the building blocks of all multilevel compensation plans and understand the set of behaviors to be motivated by field compensation. Evaluate how well your plan measures up.
What Exactly Is A Legally Defensible Income Disclosure Statement?
Every direct selling company needs to have a legally defensible Income Disclosure Statement, yet most companies don’t have one. Listen carefully to the advice our MLM attorney will give you in this session.
What Do Software Companies Need To Know About Your Compensation Plan?
Your compensation plan’s requirements need to be communicated to software developers. In this session, you will learn how to be a better communicator. As a result, your software developers will do a better job for you and your sales force will be happier, too.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
9 AM – 11 AM Pacific Time
How To Design A Great Compensation Plan
Discover the science behind compensation plan design. Avoid the common pitfalls faced by others. Understand what is involved in building a great plan.
What Do Sales Reps Want In A Compensation Plan?
The purpose of a multilevel compensation plan is to provide sufficient remuneration so that your sales force duplicates itself. Your compensation plan is one of the reasons people will join and stay with your company. While having a profitable company is equally important, find out what matters most to representatives.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
9 AM – 11 AM Pacific Time
How To Analyze Your Plan’s Performance
Find out how to analyze the performance of your compensation plan. Taking the proper measurements is the first step. Knowing what to do with the data is second.
How To Change Your Compensation Plan
When you understand the best practices and steps to change a compensation plan, you will make the change easier for your company and your sales force.
How Your Sales Force Can Make Your Good Compensation Plan Bad
You’ve done all you can to design a legal compensation plan. Is that enough to protect you from violations of regulations? The answer is “no.” You need to monitor what members of your sales force say about your compensation plan. Your good plan needs to be protected from bad sales force behaviors. Learn how to do that in this session presented by a Compliance Expert.
Speaker Panel
In our final session, listen to our expert presenters as they answer the most frequently asked questions about compensation plans.
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